1. 原則上,所有與會者皆能選擇適合自己的發表模式,但請選擇合乎學術會議發表儀態的模式。
* 關於各種發表所需之相關材料(如投影片等),請與會者於大會當日自行帶到現場,不需提早提供給大會。.
2. 與會者皆須提供論文全文(以下詳述其他形式)。大會將印製全文於大會手冊,並提供給所有個場次的與會學者。
3. 大會將印製報告材料,集結成冊於大會手冊當中(A4size)。因此,大會請與會學者提供適合的檔案格式。可使用之格式如下述:
1) 論文全文為佳。
2) 論文大意 (包含摘要、緒論、討論材料與方法、初步結果與結論、以及引用資料等)
3) 與會學者也能提供投影片的檔案。(pdf、ppt、jpeg、doc各種形式之檔案皆可)
* 大會強烈建議與會學者提供論文全文,大會計畫未來出版研討會論文集。
* 不需準備海報。
* 報告材料的收件截止日期為五月3日24時(首爾時間),逾期不候。
* 請寄至
(翻譯:中華民國海外華人研究學會 秘書 楊家緯)
Presentation Method and Paper (full text) submission
Dear paper presenters to the conference,
Following is the instruction for your paper presentation at the conference. As the dates of the conference is approaching, please read the following carefully to submit your papers or materials.
1. Basically, all kinds of presentation methods are allowed, and each presenters can decide the way, as long as it is proper at an academic conference.
* As for the presentation materials(ppt….), just bring it with you on the date of the conference in USB. You don’t need to provide it to us beforehand.
2. You should submit your paper in full text(or in other forms, as described below), which will be included in the Conference Program book and distributed to the attendees of each session.
3. The matierials of your paper presentation will be published in a printed copies in a book.(A4size) As such, you should provide us with the suitable formats. Allowed formats are:
1) Full text of your paper (preferred)
2) Summary of the paper (with Abstracts, Introduction, materials and methods, Results, Conclusion, Literature cited, etc.)
3) You can send copies of your PPT material (in pdf/ppt/jpeg/doc formats)
* We encourage the participants to provide us with Full text of your presented paper, since we are planning to publish the result of the conference in a book afterwards – Conference Proceedings.
* Posters are not needed.
* The deadline for presentation materials submission is May 3rd(24:00), as of Seoul Time. (Please be careful that the submission after the deadline will not be accepted.)
* Send it to